30 June 2005

da da dada daaa!

This is what you all wanted to see, ne? Well, maybe not it's just like the postcards, a bit impersonal really.

It was beautiful though. And we were about 3 blocks away at our hotel, so every night all i needed to do was step onto the balcony and there it was. We went up to the second level because the top was closed due to the amount of tourists swarming up it's legs. Makes me think of the Mummy when the person got eaten alive by those bugs crawling up the legs..it was like that, so many tourists, poor tower. Anyway, it was still cool to see all of Paris from that high up. And to think they had that way back when Napoleon [first or third?] was around..i wanted to go on the old elevator ^_^. Awesome, the city that never sleeps.

Mmmm, tasty. This is the biggest and the best créme brulée [must check the accentos] that i have ever had. I stuffed myself full because i couldn't waste it, but i could only eat half. It was really sad *tear* Good while it lasted. Same with the wine, hehe. And the coffee was so good in Paris you have no idea-鴻 you would have loved it. They do something different with it-something else besides running water through the filter and it has to do with the water getting hotter there, you probably know. But now i'm back to tea because the english are lousy at making coffee like the french were bad at making good tea. Interesting.

And lastly [for now] here is a cute little man that perfectly symbolizes Paris in just one scene. Notice the cat and dog sleeping on top of each other-kawaii! and that music box was so old but the sound was so clear. We found him on the corner in the Opera section-i don't know what arrondisement that is, but tis a great shopping area with stores up and down for miles. However, we mainly went there to find airconditioning because it was so bloody hot. I went to a store that Gwenyth Paltrow apparently shops at called Printemps [spring] and i saw why she shops there ^_^. I find it interesting that his sign is in english.

Hope you guys are having loads of fun.

28 June 2005


thank god for blogging through email! and thank god for
new mobile phones!
ジアァー 日本は ヂュー スケー! i wish I could send
pictures. Yesterday and the day before we had
すし. It's so cheap here, and おいしい. Well, I have to
get off the train now.(its a picture of a subway symbol if
it doesnt come through)Let me know if this Japanese shows
up okay. -
- 鴻

24 June 2005

Leavin' on a jet plane...

Yea in 24 hectic hours I leave!!!! I'm posting this now because I don't know when I'll remember to next! Two weeks of Kyushu and no computer...so see you later!

- 鴻

She sits and feels the top designers perfume of the year mixed with that of the old house freeze in rings around her. The chink of rain on the lucid wine glass covered ground skip between the coldly rich circles like the sunlight that manages to dimly reach out to her through the red stained glass ovals shattering in her mind.

Meet Aberdeen:


22 June 2005

Well...the computer saga continues. I got the other computers back and now my laptop won't work. So I'll have to bum offof other's computers while in Japan. May reduce my posts...anywho - :(
- 鴻

15 June 2005

Au revoir mes amis

Hehe, this^ is a sign that was in a socialist bookshop we came across in London. I'd be surprised if a shop like this in Denver would survive long, but it would be awesome. There were a lot of others that were attacking Bush as well that I'll show you.

And of course we had to go to Madame Toussaud's. I was rather impressed though-most were really lifelike and only some were weird (like the Brad Pitt one). It was a bit glizty and really expensive but the chamber of horrors (the live show) was worth it, my mum was shrieking the whole time, it was hilarious. Anyway, this is a picture of me and my wunderful brotha *cough* with the Beatles, yay! Here it is in it's all glory:

So we leave for Paris tomorrow by way of Euro Star in London (!) I can't wait. I'll get lots of postcards and gifts but I don't think I'm going to get a chance to post much. You guys have fun on your trips and Kou good luck with figuring out that pesky internet. Bye!


Bloody pictures...

13 June 2005

Lost and Found

Wow, London. I miss London, even though I was only there for a day. It's such a different feel from being in cities in the U.S. And now that I'm back from Seattle, I miss Pike Place too! Oh well, I leave in less than a week, I can survive. Oh yah, you know that four-leaf-clover good luck charm you gave me? well, I lost it somewhere in Seattle. I looked EVERYWHERE for it but i couldn't find it and i was really sad. So i get home and unpack and guess what?? It's at the bottom of my suitcase! It must have fallen out of my pants pocket in there. Just had to share that story, cuz it was very exciting for me. Have fun in London!



Now who is jealous. That food is making me hungry. Today we went into London. London is so tasty, I kind of miss it. It was really nice, which in this case is not rain. Don'get me wrong, I love rain, but somehow it's not the best kind of rain in London, probably because it's more acid than rain, but...hard to explain. Anyway, due to lack of sleep I forgot to get the pictures on this computer before I deleted them from the camera, so I'll work on that-juggling between computers is harder than it sounds. Keep on with the pictures, they're great...although now I'm starting to miss Pike Place Market. I need to stop missing things. Goodnight.


12 June 2005

Seattle pics

Scientist, you are making me jealous with all those pics!! And believe me, I love history like that, so don't feel bad about posting stuff like that. I'm interested too! anyways, here's some pics from Seattle:

Mt. Rainier...pretty stunning. That was the only day we could see it. :) I love Seattle weather.

The Space Needle. Notise the plane taking off in the foreground. By the way, this pic and the one above are taken from a boat.

My dad, my aunt Wendi and me at Pike's Place Market. She lives a couple hours north of Seattle so she drove down to spend the day with us in her '86 Toyota pickup. There were only two seats, so I sat jammed in the middle with the stick shift between my legs. Good times...

This is the most awesomely delicious crêpe I have ever had: strawberrys, Nutella, whipped cream and powdered sugar! mmmmm...

...and snack food from the Asian market! Yay!!

Happy travels!


11 June 2005

Corfe Castle [Dorset]

I think that's what this castle is called anyway- hehe, if i wrote for one of those tourist book dealies, I would be fired very soon. Anyway, this castle was built around 1066 A.D. by King John. He was insane about power and materialisticness so he had a really posh castle with cathedrals and all of that. But they were taken over and through some twisty political mess the courts ordered it to be destroyed. Obviously they weren't very talented in the art of dynamite. At any rate, it's old and there isn't much left of it. You can still see the murder holes (where they would drop rocks and boiling water down on people), the moat, the grooves where the gates would go down, the places where they shot arrows from, the windows and stairs and bridges..all that stuff. It's not like the rock will fall off if you touch it-it's still really really solid. Sorry, but I'm a sucker for this kind of thing. It was really beautiful though; breathtaking view.


La playa bonita

So, we went to Dorset for a couple days. [See link to map of England<--helpful] The town the beach was near is called Bournemouth-the beach is actually in Studland, but I don't think that would be on a map; it's tiny. It was really sunny but the wind/breeze was cold and the water is freezing most of the time, even though it's not theoretically the ocean more the channel. It was fun though; seems like ages since I've buried anyone in the sand. And of course I got some sand and seashells like a good tourist.[Well maybe not the sand part...] There's my mum trying to find tea-typical english. I've had more cups of tea than I can count on both hands. Yummy. We had really good Italian last night...seems like the restaurants are a lot more authentic than the ones I've seen there *shrug*...or maybe it's just closer.


Hiya again.

Mmmm. The famous candy. These are only some of the different kinds of candy-there are millions. I'll take a picture of the candy section in Woolworths later, but seriously, it's like the french with cheese. They're yummy, but some are even too sweet for me-like the hard candies. The chocolate is best-NOT Hershey's..more like Galaxy bars and Mars bars. But you see in the middle there's that yellow one that says flake on it-those are the best ever. They also go in ice creams and are sometimes called 99s-I have no idea why. And yes, on the top of the Malteasers [another favourite] there are coke bottles. They are absolutely disgusting [personally] but they do taste like coke, hehe. I'll bring some stuff back for you guys-any favourites?


Back from Seattle

Hey everyone!

Those pics are awesome!! I want to be there! The green-ness reminds me of Seattle. I just got back, it was beautiful. And guess what?? It rained!! Imagine that, it actually rained while i was there. I have pics but it might take me a few days to get them on the computer...anyways, I visited Seattle Pacific University, which is small and beautiful, and University of Washington, which is big and beautiful. (I have to say that those UW dorms are pretty ugly though...they look like communist tenement housing in Romania, 999, and you know what i mean if you've been to UW). And of course, Pike Place Market...i had some AWESOME crepes. I also took a boat ride on Lake Washington and saw Bill Gates's house from the boat. Did i just say house?? No, more like private resort. He imports fresh sand from Mexico every month. Okay, enough with my random ramblings, I'll keep you posted next week when i'm out of the US. Yaayyy!!! Have fun in England, Scientist, and Kou i'll probably see you this week. Traveling rocks!


08 June 2005

21 Days...

I just saw Ly off at the airport and I see Akiko off on Friday...awww the smell of airports...21 more days...The pictures are great. Thanks!


Oh and...

Here is the view from my aunt and uncle's from the front door. A picture really doesn't do it justice. It was used for growing hops [for beer] but I don't know what it is now. Also, I realized because this is my second home so to speak, I don't know what tourists of sorts want to see...let me know if there is anything in particular you need to see ^_^.


I'm here !

Just thought I'd show you guys my uncle's massive fish tank. It's awesome; I can watch everything for hours. The main reason he likes it is for the corals..they're more than just a bunch of rocks i found out. I took pictures of the fish I liked, so if you want to see them give a shout.

Edit: I turned the flash off on my camera- ^_^

06 June 2005

Kou's Schedule

Finally here...ugh comp problems! Je t'aime!
Jyaa--- (this'll be in nihonngo as soon as I get my card working again)
June 25 - July 10 compu ga nai! (but i can post by phone tabun)
then on: Tokyo! (w/ comp!)

Keep posting...

03 June 2005

Good luck everyone !
Bonne chance,
Buena suerte !
(especially Amélie though)


les plans de voyage d'amélie

depart Denver: 19 june, arrive Budapest: 20 june
--The next day we drive to Romania, where i will be for 3 weeks with no computer until i get back to Budapest on 11 july

depart Budapest: 12 july, arrive Istanbul same day

depart Istanbul: 16 july, arrive Delhi: 17 july
--we arrive at 2:30 a.m., that should be interesting 99

depart Delhi: 20 july, arrive Bangkok: 21 july (what is it with these overnight flights?)
--we'll be going all over thailand, including islands, so i'll only have access to a computer some of the time

depart Bangkok: 9 aug, arrive Denver: 9 aug

no japan, it's so disappointing, i'll be in the airport outside Tokyo! hey, but the rest of the trip is awesome so i shouldn't complain! wow, i can't wait!


Mon Plan...

Je pars l'Amérique pour L'Angleterre : 6 juin et j'arrive : 7 juin.
Yo salgo Inglaterra para Francia : 16 junio. (sin computadora :o)
I return to England : 21 June, pues, j'irai à l'Ecosse le jour pareil.
...Et je me retournerai à l'Angleterre : 28 juin.
Y unfortunately, 7月 11日アメリカに帰ります。
Happy times ahead.


In other words: I leave for England on the 6th June and arrive the next day.
I leave England for France (Paris) on the 16th June
Return to England and go up to Scotland on the 21st June.
Then return to England on the 28th June,
And [unfortunately] come back here on the 11th July.

mmm, rain in venice...i wish i was there now


02 June 2005

We would like to acknowledge the help of 黒兎 and his hand[s] ^ to make this blog work.


Nice to meet you all.

Welcome to our blog!!!

Hey guys!!! Look Kou, it's pink! Hope you like it メリ. Post away...

~amélie and Scientist