29 March 2006


Estoy en Zaragoza (or Tharagotha as they say). I've been practicing spanish but i'm really bad and its just one more reminder of how i'm gonna fail the ap test in may. anyways: Barcelona (Barthelona). It was awesome, i wish you guys were there. I spent a day on the beach and stayed completely white :( but oh well it was nice anyways. people were flying kites. i like kites. can you tell i'm tired?

Its really warm here, there are palm trees and everything. When I left Denver it was snowing, so its nice. I had heard that they eat dinner at 10:00 here but I didn't really believe it till i got here. Its true. Little kids and everything. Then they get up early in the morning, but they catch up on sleep with a nap in the middle of the day. I don't do well with naps, so i'm feeling rather short on sleep. Anyways, I've been walking around cathedrals and outdoor markets and little tiendas and I love it. I'm really not looking forward to going back to Denver. in the market they had a pigs heads just sitting there, and little rabbits that were skinned and hanging from hooks...it was lovely. I'll show you the pictures when i get back. Then right after that I went to a cafe and got "churros" which are probably some of the most awesome snacks i've ever had. You might have heard of them. They are kind of like cinnamon twists that are sprinkled with sugar, and you dip them in warm chocolate that is halfway between pudding and hot chocolate. seriously, you gotta try it sometime.

my accomplishment is: i got us train tickets using spanish! and we actually got the right tickets and went to the right platform and got on the right train in the right car and got off at the right station! yay! this may not seem like a big deal but you never know what's gonna go wrong when your in a foreign country and you just bought tickets using a language you don't speak too well.

so there's lots more but i can't really think of what to say and i don't want to bore you all to death so i'll tell you the rest when i get back. Wait, i forgot to talk about the Picasso museum! It was in Barcelona since he grew up near there. I really don't like Picasso's art too much but seeing how much talent and inspiration he had really made me appreciate him more. You would have loved it Scientist, i thought of you and your little black notebook :). The stuff he was painting when he was 16 made me a little depressed about my own feeble attempts but it also made me want to start painting again.

Okay now i'm really done because I'm too tired to write anything else. I miss you all and hope we can come here together sometime because everything reminds me of you
and it would be fun to have you here! I love you guys, see you in a few days!
